Ushering in the Golden Age of Robotics


What comes to mind when you think of robots? Some people envision Rosie from The Jetsons. Others may think of Arnold Schwarzenegger from The Terminator, with his iconic leather jacket and sunglasses. Regardless of what image comes to mind, robots may still seem like a futuristic concept for many. 

But the reality is that the objects in the mirror may be closer than they appear, and robots and robotic automation is making its way into our everyday lives.  

Robots have come a long way from their initial futuristic concept to reality. Today, robots are being deployed across numerous industries including automobile manufacturing, logistics, and hospitality to drive efficiencies and help address critical labor shortages. This labor shortage across industries is predicted to negatively impact the United States economy by 1 trillion dollars.

These robots, which are more advanced than ever before, have become the catalyst for a larger discussion about the role they have in our lives. How can robotics improve everyday life? How can robotics move industry and business forward? 

As technology continues to evolve, the robotics and robotic automation industry has evolved with it. We may not yet have robot butlers living in our homes, serving tea or answering the door, but we are living in the most exciting era of robotics we have ever seen.

Democratizing robotics automation

In today’s world, robotic innovation has focused largely on factory automation. We have seen pictures and videos of robots and robotic arms assembling cars and moving goods within a warehouse environment. These robot arms are often quite industrial in use and appearance, and often big and bulky.

Historically, they have large external control boxes, use legacy controllers, and gears that are difficult to manufacture. The size of the control boxes limit where the arms can go and where they can be used. They need specialized coding, often requiring a professional with advanced programming knowledge and skills. 

Often, the robot arms used in these environments require extreme precision, and that comes at a steep cost. But what about tasks and industries that don’t require that same level of precision? 

Are we limiting the role robots and robotic automation can play in the future by only looking at it through the lens of ultra-precise industrial automation? While this current iteration of robotic arms is okay for industrial applications, it does not translate well to automation in everyday life.

Breaking out of the factory and into our lives

Automation needs are growing exponentially every day. The global process automation market is projected to cross 114 billion by 2025. However, many businesses that need automation are losing out due to the cost and complexities of implementing automation and robotics. This explosive growth can only happen if robots are more affordable and easier to use. 

What is needed is a robotic arm that is radically different from what is currently in use. That’s where Ally comes in.

Ally’s founder and CEO, Mitch Tolson found the inspiration for this new era of robotic arms on the job site. Whether it was framing a house or laying bricks, someone showed him what tools to use and how to do the job – someone trained him. Tolson asked himself, “why can’t we train robots the same way we train people? What if we could show it what to do and it learned the task?” 

 “At my core, my passion is to help others, and I’m driven by helping people at scale. I believe that can be achieved with automation. It’s not just factory automation – it’s everyday practical automation. I grew up running startups – from signs to manufacturing to hot dogs. I’ve built houses and designed folding motorcycles and it’s through these experiences I’ve seen first hand how automation can help improve these tasks. In fact, 30% of the work within 62% of jobs out there can be automated.”

– Mitch Tolson

At Ally, we have pioneered a user-friendly, low-cost, no-code robotic arm to meet this demand and level the playing field. Ally’s robotic arm was designed from the ground up. The AI-powered robotic arm is 70% less expensive to produce, easier to change, and just as effective. Ally’s robotic arm can learn on the job by simply watching humans do it first. 

Servicing the robot is as simple as changing the batteries in a flashlight. No coding is required, which means anyone can train and teach the robot, thus removing a barrier to entry for automation and speeding up the time to implementation. The combination of increased functionality and cost savings has opened the door for businesses that were previously on the fence about robotics.  

Automation for everyone

It is more than unmet automation and robotic needs. So how can robots help? 

The restaurant industry is already implementing automation to solve the growing labor shortages and shrinking profit margins. Food robotics is taking the restaurant industry by storm. Jack in the Box, White Castle, and Sweet Green have already implemented robotics in their kitchens. And robot fry cooks are just the start. 

But the same robot that can prepare and serve food can also help affix shingles to a house or build a car. With a combination of machine vision, imitation learning, AI, and hardware innovation, we can significantly expand the market for robotic technology and create automation for anyone. 

Easy to understand, simple to use, no-code robots are no longer science fiction. Teachable robots are a reality and are here now. Together we are enabling robotics for anyone, anywhere. 

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